A message from the Chairman
After 18 months the various restrictions that were placed on our lives have now gone but we do need to exercise caution in our daily lives as the virus is still out there. Despite the lifting of restrictions in England we should not forget that we are still in the midst of a pandemic. This is defined as a global epidemic and whilst we are managing it in this country, we should not forget that many other countries are not as far forward as we are in their vaccination programme. We still need to continue to think about the impact of our actions on others and we do need to keep washing hands, wearing masks and maintaining social distancing when asked to do so.
To repeat earlier messages, I would remind you that the Parish Council office remains closed to
the public. If you need to contact our staff please either telephone or email.
Coral Shepherd
Chairman Dersingham Parish Council
Links to Government and NHS Advice on Coronavirus
Government advice on what you can and can't do
The UK Government's Recovery Strategy
Government advice on what to do if you have symptoms
General Coronavirus advice from the NHS
Government advice about Coronavirus and businesses
Other useful links
Government guidance on travel
download the parking app for West Norfolk car parks
Police Connect - Advice about Coronavirus frauds and scams
Police & Crime Commissioner's website
Advice about claiming Universal Credit
Age UK Norfolk
Ask Lily - Advice for senior citizens
Equal Lives - Advice for those with disabilities
Shelter - Help with housing and homelessness
Norfolk Community Law Service
Norfolk Citizens Advice
Norfolk County Council Coronavirus information
West Norfolk Borough Council Coronavirus information
Public transport links
Lynx Bus information
West Norfolk community Transport
National Express
Stagecoach Buses
Coach Services
Useful Telephone Numbers
Housing Benefits - 01553 616200, Option 2
Pest Control - Millennium Pest Control on 01553 344002
The Universal Credit - Enquiry Line on 0800 328 9344
The Growth Hub - The Growth Hub from the New Anglia LEP offers free, expert advice for any business in Norfolk and Suffolk and the advisers are able to signpost employers and employees to details of the new Government support schemes. They’re a valuable additional resource. Please call them on 0300 333 6536 or email growthhub@newanglia.co.uk
@newanglialep and @angliahub for tweets with links to the latest Government guidance and updates.